The action entitled: “A Holistic Urban Security Governance Framework for Monitoring, Assessing and Forecasting the Efficiency, Sustainability and Resilience of Piraeus” and acronym: “BeSecure-FeelSecure” aims to strengthen the security of the urban environment by providing strategies and works by inviting those involved in urban security agencies to promote their cooperation on a physical and online level.
The consortium of this action is made up of the following bodies:
• Municipality of Piraeus
• Singular Logic (Greece)
• Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences
• European Forum for Urban Security (France)
• SPACE Hellas
• Ministry of Citizen Protection (E.D.P.M.A. & HELLENIC POLICE)
In the context of this action and in accordance with the existing national legislation, the Local Council for the Prevention of Crime will have a central role with the participation of Agencies such as the Municipality of Piraeus, the Hellenic Police, etc. with the basic common goal of making decisions about actions and interventions at the local level. Under the supervision of the Local Council, the spatial intervention following the CPTED model “CrimePreventionthroughEnvironmentalDesign” (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) is planned in combination with social activation strategies to strengthen community cohesion.
In addition, the creation of a digital platform is envisaged, which will allow threat assessment and visualization of risks through mapping, which will support decision-making. It is pointed out that the BSFS project will be implemented and evaluated in the city of Piraeus, one of the most populous cities in our country with high crime rates, in order to create a series of guidelines which will then be adopted by other cities.
The action is financed by the “4th URBAN INNOVATIVE ACTIONS” Program of the Thematic Unit “Urban Security” of the European Regional Development Fund.
Budget: €4,966,425.00 (80% EU contribution – 20% State contribution – VAT not included)
Duration: 36 months (expiration 31-08-2022)
More information at the following e-mail addresses:
Project Facebook page here