The European and Development Programmes Management Agency (E.D.P.M.E.A.) has been designated as the competent Service, which will represent the Ministry of Citizen Protection, for monitoring the implementation and coordination of the Actions and Projects, which have been included or may be included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRSP) – ‘Greece 2.0′, with reference no.: 8000/20/86-c’ from 19/06/21 Decision of the Minister of Citizen Protection.
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0 was approved on 13 July 2021 by the Economic and Fiscal Affairs Council of the European Union (‘Ecofin’) (COM (2021) 328 final from 17.06.2021).
“Greece 2.0” includes 106 investments and 68 reforms, divided into 4 pillars (Pillar 1: Green Transition, Pillar 2: Digital Transformation, Pillar 3: Employment, Skills, Social Cohesion and Pillar 4: Private Investments and Transformation of the Economy). It collects 31.16 billions. euros of which European resources 30.5 billions Euros (18.43 billion euros in aid and 12.73 billion euros in loans) to mobilize 60 billion euro total investments in the country in the next five years.