The National Program of Greece for assistance from the Internal Security Fund for the programming period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2020 was approved by the European Commission Decision No. C(2015) 5312 final from 07-31-2015, as it was amended by its Decision No. C (2015) 6060 final on 08-26-2015. The total budget of the actions to be financed by the European Internal Security Fund – Police Cooperation Sector amounts to €26,974,900.00. The percentage of European participation is 75% and the percentage of National participation is 25%. The European Internal Security Fund – Police Cooperation Sector includes the financing of actions, which aim to achieve the following Special Objectives:
Specific Objective 5 - Preventing and Combating Crime:
Specific Objective 6 - Risks and Crises:
It aims to maintain a high level of security in Greece and the European Union, as well as to effectively prevent and suppress radicalization in the face of terrorism and extremism, risks that could only be addressed through coordination and cooperation between law enforcement authorities both both at National and European level.
In addition, it provides for high-level protection tools for the information collected on behalf of the Hellenic Police, in order to minimize the possibilities of possible leaks. Furthermore, Greece aims to create a multipurpose CBRN-E training center for all organizations involved in dealing with CBRN-E incidents, in order to acclimatize them to different types of threats and environments through relevant trainings.
The specific as well as the national objectives to be achieved within the framework of the Internal Security Fund – Police Cooperation Sector are presented in the table below: