The Ministry of Citizen Protection participates as the final beneficiary in calls for actions of the Recovery Fund (“ELEKTRA” program), while it is expected in a possible future amendment of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRSP) – ‘Greece 2.0’ to submit proposals in order to be included as actions for financing with beneficiaries Services of our Ministry.
“ELEKTRA” Program
The “ELECTRA” program is co-financed by the Deposit and Loan Fund, from its own resources and resources from a loan agreement between it and the European Investment Bank, as well as from the Recovery and Resilience Fund and subsidizes interventions concerning (among others) the shell, the heating / cooling systems, the energy management systems and the autonomy systems aiming at upgrading the energy class of the State buildings, at least up to energy class B, while simultaneously achieving, according to minimum, 30% annual primary energy savings, required for the needs of the technical systems that serve the building and a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The European and Development Programmes Management Agency (E.D.P.M.A.), as the competent agency of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, has submitted twenty-four (24) buildings of the Hellenic Police Headquarters to the electronic platform of the “ELECTRA” program and three (3) buildings of the General Secretariat of Anti-Criminal Policy, while the submission of other buildings is expected since the application submission process has been extended until the available resources are exhausted.