According to the provisions of art. 9 of Law 4332/2015 (Government Gazette 76/A/9-07-2015) “Amendment of provisions of the Greek Citizenship Code – Amendment of Law 4521/2014 for the adaptation of Greek legislation to the directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2011/98/EU regarding the uniform application procedure for granting third-country nationals a uniform residence and work permit in the territory of a member state and regarding a common set of rights for workers from third countries legally residing in a member state and 2014/36/EU regarding the conditions of entry and residence of citizens of third countries for the purpose of seasonal work and other provisions”, the following are defined:
Competent authority
In the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, a service entitled “Special Service for the Coordination and Management of Programs of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund, and other resources” (hereinafter E.Y.SY.D.T.A.M.E. .T.E.A.A.P.) which reports to the Special Secretary T.A.M.E.A.T.E.A.A.P. and which is designated as the Responsible Authority for the period 2014−2020 for the management, implementation and control of the national programs, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 514/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the establishment of general provisions with regard to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the instrument for financial support for police cooperation, crime prevention and suppression and crisis management. The national programs are drawn up in accordance with the specific Regulations (EU) 513/2014, 515/2014 and 516/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council for the financial support of police cooperation, crime prevention and suppression and crisis management establishing in the framework of the Internal Security Fund, the financial support instrument in the field of external borders and visas and the creation of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
E.Y. SY. D. T.A.M.E.T.E.A.A.P. exercises all the responsibilities defined in the aforementioned Regulations for the Responsible Authorities. The responsibilities of the Service for the Management of European Asylum, Reception and Integration Programs (Y.D.E.P.A.Y.E.), established by par. 6 of article 9 of Law 4332/2015 (A’ 76), and of Unit A2 of the Special Service NSPR Staff Structure of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (interior sector) which was established pursuant to par. 5 (b) of article 5 of Law 3614/2007 (A΄ 267) and joint ministerial decision 131/ 18.4.2008 (Β΄ 887), as it was renamed by virtue of par. 4 of article 18 of Law 4314/2014 (Α΄ 265) are transferred and exercised from the publication of this by E.Y. SY. D. T.A.M.E.T.E.A.A.P..
Delegated Authority
The Service for the Management of European and Development Programs (Y.D.E.A.P.) of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, was designated as the Delegated Authority of the more specific Regulations 516/2014, 515/2014, 513/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 April 2014, as part of the wider program of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund for the period 2014−2020. It undertakes the exercise of part of the duties of the Responsible Authority in the field of returns, external borders and internal security within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1c of article 25 of the Horizontal Regulation 514/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014, as specified in Article 5 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 1042/2014. The Y.D.E.A.P. is supervised, in terms of the exercise of its above powers, by the General Secretary of Public Order.
Regulatory Authority
The Financial Audit Committee (FDFA)/ General Directorate of Financial Audits of the General Secretariat of Economic and Fiscal Policy of the Ministry of Finance was designated as the Audit Authority of par. 1b of article 25 of the Horizontal Regulation 514/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 for the period 2014−2020. The responsibilities of the Audit Authority are exercised in accordance with the provisions of Law 4314/2014 (A΄ 265) and articles 44 and 46 of the P.d. 111/2014 (A’ 178).