The Service for the Management of European and Development Programs (Y.D.E.A.P.) of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, was established by article 3 of Law 3938/2011 (Government Gazette 61, A, 31-03-2011) and its powers are defined in article 1 par. 1 of no. 8000/20/45/119-d of 03.09.2015 Joint Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette B΄ 1880/15).
With the no. 77 of Law 4375/2016 (Government Gazette 51, A’, 03-04-2016), the Y.D.E.A.P., was designated as the Authorized Authority of the Asylum, Immigration & Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund for in the period 2014−2020.
Also, the Service is defined as
· National Development Program Management Service and responsible for the continuation of the preparation of the Sectoral Development Program of the Ministry of Citizen Protection,
· The Service that will represent the Ministry of Citizen Protection, in matters related to the National Recovery and Resiliency Plan (RESPA) and the financing of actions from the Recovery Fund.
· Administrator of the GR-G Program entitled “Capacity building of national asylum and migration management systems” of the EEA Financial Mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, according to the Memorandum of Understanding dated 31.10.2017 between Greece and the Donor Countries of the European Economic Area (Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Iceland and Principality of Liechtenstein), as well as the no. 33393 from 27.02.2020 Decision of the Deputy Minister of Development (F.E.K. B΄ 1497/20), as amended and in force.