The European Asylum Migration and Integration Fund was established under the new programming period 2014-2020.
The Fund was established with the main purpose of contributing to the development of the Union’s common policy on asylum and immigration and to the strengthening of the area of freedom, security and justice, based on the application of the principles of solidarity and the sharing of responsibilities between Member States and cooperation with third countries. The Fund should express solidarity through financial assistance to the member states. It should support the effective management of migratory flows to the Union in the areas where Union action has the greatest added value, in particular through the sharing of competences between Member States and the sharing of competences and the strengthening of cooperation with third countries. Y.D.E.A.P, according to Presidential Decree 82/2011 and no. 8000/20/45/119-d K.Y.A., has undertaken the implementation of the special objective of the Returns Policy as a mandated Authority. The above implementation has been undertaken by the Departments a) Planning and Evaluation and b) Implementation, Reports, Verifications and Certification, of the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the Y.D.E.A.P. The main responsibilities of the Planning and Evaluation Department include activities such as: – Issuing Invitations for the submission of Funding requests, their evaluation and selection of the final ones beneficiaries.-The drawing up of an agreement to accept terms in accordance with articles 9 and 10 of delegated regulation 1042/2014 of the European Commission and the
drawing up a decision to include the action.
-The submission of proposals for the participation of Y.D.E.A.P. in special, Union actions, emergency measures of the special Regulations of the Funds and in co-financed or national research projects.
-Organizing and monitoring the evaluation of the national programs and ensuring the submission of the relevant evaluation reports within the prescribed deadlines
The main responsibilities of the Implementation, Reporting, Verification and Certification Department include activities such as:
-Caring for the implementation and monitoring of the development of the actions of the national program, the special, union actions and the emergency measures of the Funds and all additional supplementary Funds, research and non-co-financed or national actions.
-Monitoring the delivery of co-financed projects, products and services and checking whether the costs declared for the projects have actually been incurred and comply with EU and national rules.
-The carrying out of systematic administrative checks and additional checks through on-site verifications, if required, based on article 27 of the Horizontal Regulation and surprise checks on the costs linked to the final payment applications from the beneficiaries, which are declared in the annual accounts, with the aim of ensuring an adequate level of reliability.
– The support of the final beneficiaries, regarding the implementation of the approved actions.